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Friday, November 18, 2005

"We must change the way we teach." --Richard Sterling

Richard Sterling's keynote speech at the NWP general session was a call to arms for every teacher in America (and the world). New technologies are changing how we think and communicate (exhibit A: I submit this blog during the general session--btw, he gave RCWP a 'shout-out' in his speech b/c we're communicating our experiences in real time with blogs and podcasts. Go us!).

Over 12 million teenagers are actively publishing on the internet via blogs, personal webpages, and more. Students often write more outside of class than in it now. How can we adapt to meet these needs? How can new technologies impact learning?

Let's re-imagine our schools to engage students.

As he talked about the high level of engagement with video games, I wanted to stand up and yell "You should all read Steven Johnson's book!" Alas, I maintained my composure. But seriously folks, this is a great read. He analyzes how pop culture texts (TV, video games, the internet, etc.) are all actually making us smarter as a result of the mental processing that occurs in our heads. Watching "The Sopranos" is actually good for your noggin, and the same goes for video games. He still encourages moderation--7 straight hours of Grand Theft Auto isn't good for anybody--but when used appropriately, new media are actually helping us grow dendrites.
In other news, my search for a podcast interview with poet laureate Ted Kooser was met with very polite rejection. His ride was leaving. I'll try again tomorrow.


Blogger Janet said...

At least you ask, Mitch. I imagine the rejection so I don't bother to even ask. Carlin and I have challenged each other to do at least one interview tomorrow. I'm trying hard to well up the courage to approach someone whose work I admire. I'm great at picture taking, but the interviews make me nervous. Any words of wisdom?

By the way...to those we left "on shore"--look at the program book on-line. If there's anyone you hope we will interview--LET US KNOW!

10:48 PM  

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